Mini-Mahl, Maxi-Mahl

  • Exhibition
    "Mini-Mahl, Maxi-Mahl"
    from Thursday, April 14, 2016 to Wednesday, May 18, 2016
    at the Paris Gallery

    As a major reference in Polaroid photography, Andreas Mahl is known for his experimental research that led him beyond the boundaries of classical technique. Primarily with the help of Polaroid SX70, the artist multiplies interventions through methods such as delaying development of the emulsion, manipulating the photographs sensitive layers, and superimpositions and transfers and thus alters reality beyond the simple act of shooting. His work combines mastery of chemical and scientific techniques and a marked poetic sensitivity.

    The exhibition brings together some fifty photographs made between 1980 and 1990, large and small format, with a focus on his most emblematic themes: including still life, twins, dolls, nudes.

  • Press