News / Events

The Paris gallery is reopening on Sept. 4.

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Santa Monica: Sept. 7, 30th anniversary of the Bergamot Station Arts Center

Join us to celebrate the anniversary, discover many new exhibitions, enjoy music, shows, food and drinks. All day.

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Upcoming: Mona Kuhn, The Schindler House, A Love Affair

Photography, multimedia and sound installation. The exhibition opening will coincide with the 30th anniversary of Bergamot Station Arts Center and PST Art: Art & Science Collide, a J. Paul Getty Museum event. In addition, it is also part of the Digital New Art Festival DNA Santa Monica.

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Los Angeles: Julia SH, Omvandling

Galerie XII Los Angeles will show a selection of pieces by the Swedish photographer Julia SH in preview of her next talk at Fotografiska. September 7 - October 12

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Paris / Marie Cecile Thijs, Food and Other Portraits, opening Sept. 12

Playing with temporality, the Dutch artist Marie Cecile Thijs creates images embodying a relationship between past and present that seems unreal, even supernatural. Photographs accompanied by an 8-minute video. Marie Cecile Thijs is elected as Artist of the Year 2024 in the Netherlands

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Sophie Zénon - The Memory of Stones - La Gacilly Festival

For a winter, from Locuan to Locmaria, from the island of Arz to Guehenno, Sophie Zénon criss-crossed the territory of Morbihan in Brittany (France), discovering little-known treasures, built, carved, shaped in times sometimes immemorial. Fascinateby the «interweaving of granite with landscape, and with plants in particular», the artist has created delicate, precious, fragile landscapes on glass plates in black and fire tones, as if echoing these sacred places “from which emerges an atmosphere sometimes serene, sometimes melancholic, conducive to a form of introspection and meditation”. A carte blanche proposed by the Conseil Départemental. Photographic exhibition. Le Végétarium, Festival de La Gacilly (Morbihan, Brittany), from June 21 to November 3, 2024.

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Mona Kuhn at Gmunden Photo Festival, Austria

The successful outdoor photography festival will take place for the fourth time in 2024. This year's edition is dedicated to the theme of “landscape”: no other genre has undergone a comparable revival in recent years. While the landscape The successful outdoor photography festival will take place for the fourth time in 2024. This year's edition is dedicated to the theme of “landscape”: no other genre has undergone a comparable revival in recent years. While the landscape was previously considered unsuspicious and almost insignificant, in the context of the diverse, man-made threats and risks that the planet is facing, the landscape has also changed significantly in its artistic representation and has become politicized. Mona Kuhn presents works from her Bushes and Succulents series.

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Vee Speers - La Gacilly-Bade

After the exhibition during the french edition of the festival in Morbihan last summer, Vee Speers work's is exhibited in Baden until October 13, 2024.

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Patrizia Mussa - Treatalità at Villa Zito, Palermo

After the success of the exhibition at Palazzo Reale in Milan, which was the first step of an exciting travelling exhibition that will go to Rome, Vicenza and finally Paris, Patrizia Mussa is now presenting her works in Palermo, at the prestigious Villa Zito. New works will occupy two of the fourteen rooms of the location. Opening June 6.

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Sophie Zénon. L'Herbe aux yeux bleus at Maison Guerlain Paris

As part of a collective photographic exhibition devoted by the Maison Guerlain to gold, Sophie Zénon presents two delicate works, selected from her recent research on obsidional plants (L'herbe aux yeux bleus). In her proposal - a photogram of a Norwegian Potentille subtly enhanced with gold and a triptych of orotones of the Bauhin Hawk - her artistic gesture symbolizes the resilience and preciousness of these plants that have passed through the great historical conflicts, living witnesses to our collective history. Maison Guerlain, 68 avenue des Champs Elysées, Paris, from 6 June to 12 September 2024